Welcome to Rummy Saints. Technically this game is not a board game, but it would be listed in the board game category in most stores. It is more of a tabletop game. This game is a new game currently in the development stage at Traditio Designs, LLC. The company president, Matt Lorens is already engaged in the design process of this game. This game will feature tens of saints and four archangels. The game is both, entertaining and educational. Kids can learn a lot about many saints, what they look like and also some facts about them. Best of all, the game is so much fun that adults can join in. It is a great time to spend together with your kids and keep them away from all the electronics. A perfect past time for those cold or rainy days.
Gameplay and rules are already completed and the game prototype is being worked on. Please check back often to see progress and latest news on this game. It will most likely be one of our first five games released. The release of this game depends on how well we do with the Holy Quest game. As always, the artwork for this game comes from photographs taken in hundreds of churches around the world.